Remember Vincent Effenburger from the Diamond Casino & Resort? Completing Cashing Out reveals Thornton Duggan fires him after buying the property from the Chengs. Now he’s back with a cool LSPD uniform and his shots at the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid!
The weekly event in GTA Online from February 22 to 29 is lively, though not with a few drawbacks.
Read this page to learn about this week’s bonuses and features.
GTA Online Weekly Event: Big Focus to GTA+ Members & Casino Work/Stories!
Capitalize on the massive bonuses this week, as Agatha Baker and Tao Cheng are more than willing to give up to 4x bonus Cash and RP. That, and many more!
1. New Content This Week
This weekly event in GTA Online will introduce the brand-new Declasse Impaler SZ.
Visit the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website. Alternatively, take your time worshipping the beautiful Sedan, which is perfect for your garage. There are no discounts; pay the total price of $1,280,000.

As for the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid, Rockstar Games confirmed its release in the following weeks alongside the Gauntlet Interceptor police vehicle.
2. Daily Challenges and Weekly Challenges
Complete the following daily challenges to earn $30,000 and 5,000 RP:
- Participate in the Adversary Series
- Complete Club Management
- Steal 10 Vehicles

The exclusive weekly challenge requires you to finish three Casino Work by contacting Agatha Baker and selecting “Request Work”. You can earn an easy $100,000.

3. GTA$ and RP Multipliers This Week
Say goodbye to Acid Lab sell missions. Welcome back to being Agatha Baker’s errand person!

Casino Story Missions and Casino Work get 2x GTA$ and RP multipliers. If you’re subscribed to a GTA+ membership, add another x2 bonus! For example, completing Cashing Out nets you $96,000 and 16,000 RP!
Play the Diamond Adversary Series for a generous 3x GTA$ and RP!
4. Salvage Yard Robberies
Överflöd Tyrant, Lampadati Komoda, and Vapid Caracara 4×4 will be phased out. Let’s welcome the new cycle of vehicles you can sell to Yusuf Amir:

- Bravado Buffalo EVX (The Podium Robbery)
- Declasse Mamba (The Cargo Ship Robbery)
- Weeny Issi Rally (The Gangbanger Robbery)
5. GTA Online Weekly Discounts
Upgrade your Penthouse’s looks as all decorations are 30% off at the Casino Store.
Also, check out the following vehicles with a 30% discount:
Vehicle | Original Market Value | Discounted Price | Savings |
Annis Hellion | $835,000 | $584,500 | $250,500 |
Enus Paragon R | $905,000 | $633,500 | $271,500 |
Übermacht Zion Classic | $812,000 | $568,400 | $243,600 |
Vapid Peyote Gasser | $805,000 | $563,500 | $241,500 |
6. Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom
Simeon’s generous enough to let you test the following vehicles:
- Annis Hellion ($584,500)
- Enus Paragon R ($633,500)
- Übermacht Zion Classic ($568,400)
- Vapid Peyote Gasser ($563,500)
- Vysser Neo ($1,875,000)

Remember: No strings attached. Drive it for free or own it permanently.
7. Luxury Autos Showroom
Visit the Luxury Autos Showroom and browse the latest vehicles in GTA Online on this weekly event:
- Declasse Impaler SZ ($1,280,000)
- Fathom FR36 ($1,610,000)

8. Diamond Casino Podium Vehicle
Head to the Diamond Casino & Resort and spin the Lucky Wheel. You might win a prize vehicle, Übermacht Rebla GTS, costing $1,175,000 at the Legendary Motorsport.

We want you to win the car, so here’s a bonus secret guide.
9. Hao’s Time Trial Ride (Next-Gen/GTA+ Members)
This weekly event in GTA Online features the 2-door muscle car Declasse Vigero ZX, costing $1,947,000.
You can convert the Vigero ZX at HSW for $550,000.
10. LS Car Meet: Prize Ride Challenge
Introducing the Ocelot Pariah — a Sports car with a market value of $1,420,000!

Place at the top five in the LS Car Meet Series for three days straight to win!
11. Car Meet Test Rides
Although the current selection could have been better, you can test out the following autos at LS Car Meet:
- Declasse Vigero ($21,000)
- Invetero Coquette ($138,000)
- Vapid Bullet ($155,000)

Consider the three “collectibles” as they no longer appear as purchaseable assets through normal means.
12. Time Trials and Premium Races
Lose money or earn some. Luck plays a role, and so does your skill.
- Premium Race: A Sign of Things to Come
- Time Trial: Storm Drain
- HSW Time Trial: North Chumash to Palomino Highlands
13. Gun Van
The stock changes daily (server reset). But this weekly event in GTA Online offers 25% off for the Heavy Rifle.

If you’re subscribed to GTA+, you can buy the Advanced Rifle with a 30% discount.