How to AFK In GTA Online: Is It Still Possible?

Unlike GTA 5, where you can stay idle as long as you want, there’s a chance of getting kicked off Rockstar’s server if you AFK (away from keyboard) for a while in GTA Online.

So, is it possible to keep logging in to GTA Online while staying idle?

How to AFK Without Getting Kicked in GTA Online

If your character remains idle for 15 minutes, you’ll receive a warning from the game and be kicked from the section.

Of course, you can log in again, but it can be annoying, especially when you intend to stay idle.

In GTA Online, there were three ways to remain AFK without being kicked:

  1. By not selecting any option from the Nightclub menu.
  2. By watching TV or CCTV.
  3. By not choosing any option from the LS Car Meet Test Track’s enter/exit menu.

However, after the latest Chop Shop update, these methods no longer function.

Stay tuned! We’ll explore and conduct testing for any new methods to remain afk in GTA Online.

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24 thoughts on “How to AFK In GTA Online: Is It Still Possible?”

  1. Going into the armor menu of ammu nations and not touching anything seems to work somewhat its not 100% tho, not sure how to exactly trigger it.

  2. Only AFK method that works for me is to walk in circles in my hanger (where there is a lot of space) unfortunately none of the true AFK methods work anymore

  3. Here’s a tip lads and lasses

    If you want to go AFK with your passive businesses generating money, do the Tow Truck Service. It worked for me and got me into the game as far as 48 minutes.

    Why 48 minutes? Because I got to resupply.

    Theoretically, assuming R* don’t give a damn about it, you can exploit this until the next patch.

    Just saying.

    • Hi Tabsen, thank you for your tip.

      Unfortunately, this method has also been patched by Rockstar Games. Your statement, however, was true.

      While testing the Salvage Yard and Tow Truck Service, we were astonished that we could go AFK and make money without doing anything!

      Outstanding share, though. We appreciate it.

  4. Go into you gun workshop if you have one in your arcade click on your weapon you wanna change and just stay on the screen been hanging nearly over 15 minutes testing right now

  5. Watch the DJ at the nightclub and rest your controller on the analog stick so it keeps flicking through the different camera angles.

  6. Go to the casino and go to the horse race computer and stay on the place bet screen (the one where it shows the option to bet on a single race or the main race) as long as you stay in this screen you can be afk for as along as you want

  7. Idk if this worked or was a one time thing, just went to do some other stuff, and decided to put my character playing darts in the clubhouse, went idle at the last shot of the game and let the shot clock constantly go out, while I left for more than 15-20 minutes and by time I was back he was still shooting


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